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List of Chapter Discussions
A list of all "Crossing the Line" chapter discussion posts

12.1 The Goldenrod Motif
Megan is grappling with the concepts of free will, forgiveness, and justice.

11.1 Brain Cancer Under the Radar
If you are experiencing symptoms that don’t seem normal, talk to your doctor.

9 Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Studies have shown that 30-40% of law enforcement families experience domestic violence.

8.1 EMS Education
The field of EMS is unique in that there is no standard pathway for education and progression.

7 The Right to Tell Your Own Story
She lost autonomy, and she lost the opportunity to tell her own story in her own way.

5.3 Stop the Bleed
Keeping blood inside the body is one of the highest priorities of first aid and emergency medicine.

5.2 Mandated Reporters
Like many aspects of life, there are no solutions—only trade offs.
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